27/4/2016 Fishing Report – Bluefin Tuna Madness
April 27, 2016
17/10/2016 Fishing Report – Snapper Have Arrived
October 17, 2016Portland Fishing Report – August 2016
On the closing of Victoria’s amazing Tuna season we have experienced some of the best Bluefin Tuna fishing we have ever seen. The Sharkmen crew had a break over August and were keen to get one last session in before the season end. Our last session was penciled in for the 28th before we say our goodbyes to Portland for another year and motor Imagine That back to Melbourne. With 6 customers on board we searched the Southern Ocean with one thing in mind BARREL TUNA! (Bluefin in excess of 100kg). after a 3 hour search we looked into the distance and realized we were about to hit the mother load. Birds, Dolphins, seals and whales created a metaphorical zoo while a huge amount of bait were being rounded up by stacks of massive Tuna. Moments later, we’re HOOKED UP……… TO TWO!! after a quick but brutal fight, we had one of them at the boat in 15 minutes. Unluckily the fish took a dive and busted the mainline at gaffing stage. Heart broken was the only way to explain the feeling. Thankfully we had another chance. After another 20 minutes with sore arms and backs out on deck we landed it. We were stoked. The jumbo Bluefin pulled the scales down to 106kg.
The morning after we said our goodbyes to Portland and steamed towards Melbourne with lures in tow. It wasn’t long before we were on again. This was a crew only trip and Dylan was the one behind the reel. The fish was stubborn but we managed to boat it in less than an hour and a half. Marginally smaller than the fish caught on the previous day we estimated him to weigh 85kgs. Bled, gutted and iced we jammed the fish in our huge esky and continued our journey toward Melbourne.
Imagine That is now in for servicing and upgrades, some cool things in store, stay tuned!
We are now taking bookings for Snapper Season, book online or ph. 0418107071
Tight Lines
Sharkmen Fishing Charters 4/9/16